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Sodium Citrate Solution (0.8%)

Sodium Citrate Solution is a hypotonic solution used for chromosome karyotyping
SKU: 01-934-1A



A major step in harvesting cells for chromosome karyotyping is treatment with a hypotonic saline solution to increase cell volume. Sodium Citrate Solution is a hypotonic solution, which work by creating a concentration gradient across the cytoplasmic membrane and water then rushes in by active transport. Hypotonic treatment with Sodium Citrate is used most often with the addition of Potassium Chloride (KCl) to enhance membrane permeability and induce hypotonic cell swelling at either room temperature (15-30°C) or 37°C. Usually, the higher temperature is used to increase metaphase spreading. There are several factors that influence the extent of the hypotonic treatment utilizing Sodium Citrate and/or Potassium Chloride (KCl): • Cell Density • Specimen Type (e.g. slides or cell pellet) Sodium Citrate Solution Fe​atures • Sterile • Easy-to-use • Increases metaphase spread of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes (PBL's)



QTY 500 mL
Shipping Conditions Room Temperature
Storage Conditions AMB


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