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DPBS, with calcium and magnesium

Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS)

With Calcium and Magnesium

Name SKU Size
DPBS, with calcium and magnesium 02-020-1A 500 mL



Product Overview

Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS) is intended to provide a buffer system for maintaining cell culture media in the physiological range of 7.2– 7.6. It generally serves as an isotonic saline solution or buffer for washing cells and tissues.  It's utility in maintaining mammalian cells when a chemically-defined, balanced salt solution provides the appropriate milieu to sustain the physiological and structural integrity (i.e. tonicity/viability) of cells in vitro for a limited period of time.  Biological Industries offers a range of DPBS formulations. 


This DPBS is modified as follows:


  • Calcium
  • Magnesium


The complete formulation is available.



Phenol Red Indicator No Phenol Red
Storage Conditions 2 to 8°C
Shipping Conditions Cold Pack
Sodium Bicarbonate Buffer No Sodium Bicarbonate
Form Liquid
Inorganic Salts Calcium, Magnesium


Materials Safety Data Sheet

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